
Research facility that provides proteomics and metabolomics services for qualitative and quantitative analysis.

EdinOmics diagram

EdinOmics was established at the Centre for Synthetic and Systems Biology (SynthSys) as a resource for high-end quantitative and qualitative proteomics and metabolomics research using state-of-the-art equipment. The facility applies analytical approaches on biological samples to probe cellular components (proteins or metabolites) to help researchers better understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to biologically observed phenotypes.

The facility is equipped with:

  • A high resolution QExactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer from ThermoScientific for proteomics analysis.
  • A TSQ Quantiva triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer from ThermoScientific for targeted proteomics and metabolomics analysis.
  • An Agilent gas chromatogram (GC) coupled to a quadrupole time of flight (QToF) mass spectrometer with a dedicated in-line MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) from Gerstel for liquid handling and sample preparation.
  • An Agilent Ion Mobility (IM) - QToF mass spectrometer that can be coupled to interchangeable in-line chromatographic separation using ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) or gas chromatography (GC).
  • An Agilent LC - ToF mass spectrometer loaned as part of our partnership with Agilent Technologies to develop rapid high-throughput methodologies for untargeted metabolomics.

These instruments provide the facility with the capacity to perform targeted, semi-targeted and untargeted analysis of complex protein and metabolite mixtures. 

The Agilent MassHunter software tools Profinder, Mass Profiler Professional, Unknowns analysis and SureMass are regularly implemented at the facility for metabolomic data analysis. We also use Metaboanalyst for presenting data in an easy to understand format. The proteomics service makes use of Progenesis software (Non linear Dynamics) for quantitative analysis alongside Mascot database searching (Matrix Science) for protein identification.

For more information, please visit the EdinOmics.