Other networks

Find out about other related networks or activities across Edinburgh and Scotland.

Edinburgh Carpentries

Edinburgh Carpentries (EdCarp) is a local community of instructors and volunteers of The Carpentries mainly at the University of Edinburgh. Our instructors are trained volunteers, who deliver workshops about introductory coding and coding best practices, specifically targeted at academics. The Carpentries workshops are suitable for complete beginners.

Edinburgh Carpentries homepage

Edinburgh Carpentries contact

Edinburgh Infectious Diseases (EID)

The network connects over 860 Scientists in 170 research groups, actively working in infectious disease research across the city of Edinburgh, addressing topics as diverse as biomarkers of viral infection, delivery of healthcare in unstable settings, antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases and evolution of viral pandemics. 

Edinburgh Infectious Diseases homepage

Edinburgh Infectious Diseases contact

Edinburgh Skin Network (Ed-SKIN)

Ed-SKIN brings together those interested in skin research to facilitate knowledge exchange and fruitful collaborations, particularly across disciplines. We now have over 80 members covering the University of Edinburgh Campuses of Easter Bush, Edinburgh BioQuarter, Kings Buildings, Western General, Edinburgh College of Art, Herriot Watt University and NHS Lothian.

Ed-SKIN homepage

Ed-SKIN contact

Edinburgh Neuroscience

Edinburgh Neuroscience is a vibrant, interdisciplinary, and deeply collaborative cross-College community at the University of Edinburgh who work together with a shared vision to discover new knowledge of the workings of the brain and mind across the life-course in health and disease, and translate this into individual and societal health and wealth gains.

Edinburgh Neuroscience homepage

ION_BRU Nanopore User Group

This group aims to improve communication between researchers in Scotland who use Nanopore sequencing and to help new users get started with the technology and to understand potential applications. The group has several meetings a year and has also been known to do free practical workshops.

ION_BRU Twitter (external link)

ION_BRU mailing list


The Next Generation Bioinformatics User Group (NextGenBUG) is a user-driven meeting programme that aims to build an engaged user community in Scotland (and beyond) of researchers and others analysing or exploiting large-volume data in biology. It has a major, but nonexclusive, focus on "next generation" sequence data analyses and interpretation.

Working together, we try to figure out the best ways of extracting meaning of the massive amounts of data emerging from ultra-high-throughput technologies such as Illumina, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore.

NextGenBUG homepage

NextGenBUG contact

Scottish Genomes Partnership

The Scottish Genomes Partnership will map the entire genetic make-up of more than 3,000 people in Scotland. 

Linking genetic data from sequenced genomes with clinical information will enable precise, molecular diagnoses for patients, leading to personalised treatment and safer selection of drug therapies. It will also bring new understanding of the causes of both rare and common diseases, opening the door to the development of new treatments.

Scottish Genomes Partnership homepage (external link)

Spatial Omics @ Edi

A club grouping Univeristy of Edinburgh researchers interested in spatially-resolved omics technologies.

Spatial Omics @ Edi Mailing list(external link)

Spatial Omics @ Edi Twitter(external link)

The Edinburgh Chromatin, Epigenetics and Transcription Network

A network bridging 4 campuses (Roslin, IGC, SCRM/QMRI and KB) to facilitate meeting others within the University of Edinburgh working on broad aspects of gene regulation.

The meetings are held 3 times a year (October, January and May) and are a great opportunity for students and postdocs to present their work to a professional audience. It is also an opportunity for them to get feedback at the beginning and end of their project and to practise for conferences, exams, grant applications, etc. We also hope that these meetings will help to promote programme fellowships and PhD programmes between laboratories and institutes in Edinburgh.

The Edinburgh Chromatin, Epigenetics and Transcription Network Twitter (external link)

The Edinburgh Chromatin, Epigenetics and Transcription Network contact 

The Genetics Society

The Genetics Society is run by an elected committee comprising entirely volunteers from the scientific community. Genetics Membership includes over 2,500 of the UK's active professional genetics, including teachers, researchers and students and is open to anyone with an interest in genetic research or teaching, or in the practical breeding of plants and animals.

The Genetics Society homepage (external link)

The Genetics Society contact